Corporate Social Responsibility At Wakeup Educational And Charitable Trust,

The role of corporates in meeting socio-economic and environmental issues has never been more important. As corporate citizens, the impacts of business activity – through their supply chain, employment of local people and the products and services that they provide, have come into the mainstream. The spotlight has come through the introduction of Section 135 and Schedule VII of the Companies Act 2013 which has mandated companies to dedicate spending to Corporate Social Responsibility activity.

At Wakeup, we value corporate engagement in our programmes and recognize the role that business can, and does play in meeting societal needs. Our inclusive approach to partnerships means that we value input from the private sector in ensuring that our activities are meeting all our stakeholder needs. Furthermore, we also understand the business benefits derived for a company from being associated with meaningful programmes that drive real and tangible change in the community: employee recruitment and retention, competitive advantage and best practice initiatives to promote health and safety in their operations, all contribute to public and stakeholder perceptions of a business, and its operations.

Different ways in which Wakeup can help in CSR are as follows:

CSR Strategy:

Bespoke strategy development, materiality-led and aligned with corporate objectives and positioning.

Integration of CSR and governance policies to enhance sustainable growth, reduce reputation risk and to generate value.

Liaison with the investment community to ensure focused dialogue on CSR and CG commitments and achievements.

Employee Engagement: Attract employees and increase employee retention.

Implementing Programs and Projects: Carry out different projects and initiatives with a holistic approach towards Corporate Social Responsibility leveraging your organizations capabilities and strategic resources of the partnership to address the sustainability challenges faced by the underprivileged communities.Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation: For continuous monitoring and evaluation process to see the direction of the program, Reporting strategy and report preparation, including Annual Reports, sustainability reports, specific issues reports and on-line communications, Setting up systems to measure, monitor, benchmark and report data – internally and externally.

Wakeup and Corporate CSR Partnerships

How to get involved with Wakeup Educational And Charitable Trust

You can write to us at www.wakeupeducationaltrust.com to further discuss CSR partnerships with Wakeup.